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For high-achieving 3 to 5 year-olds who are ready to stretch and explore socially and academically, we have a modified Kindergarten curriculum.  We begin developing early literacy and math skills while allowing ample time for play and sensory exploration. Spanish, Art, Music, and PE are, of course, integral to the Preschool program.


The Creative Curriculum


For nearly 30 years, Teaching Strategies has believed that the best and most powerful way to improve child outcomes is through effective teaching.


And that’s why they’ve created forward-thinking, comprehensive, research-based and research-proven curriculum resources. These help teachers and caregivers to be their most effective, while still honoring their creativity and respecting their critical role in making learning exciting and exciting and relevant for every child.


Their supportive curriculum solutions are used by early childhood educators across the country, helping them provide children with developmentally appropriate programs that support active learning and promote progress in all developmental areas.

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Pacific Northern Academy’s Beginners Program is open to students who turn three by September 1 of the year of enrollment. Children must be independent with toileting before starting school.


Children who are three years old are naturally curious about the world around them. We engage their curiosity though a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and responsive to the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs of young learners.


The Beginners Program classroom environment and materials encourage learning through curriculum-driven, hands-on projects and purposeful play. Daily activities include question-of-the-day, morning meeting, play centers, school-prep study focus projects, and outdoor recess.  All students enjoy specialist classes with professional teachers in Studio Art, Performing Arts, PE, and Spanish classes throughout the week.. Experiences that promote foundational skills for literacy and math will be integrated throughout the curriculum.


The nurturing guidance and support of the Beginners Program teachers fosters positive social development as children gain self-awareness, learn to recognize and regulate their feelings and emotions, and learn to interact and communicate with their peers.  Children have a good routine and learn good hygiene and self-care. 

Full Day
5 Days Per Week - Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 3:15 pm.

The Beginners Program follows the school year calendar and closures. A year-round option is available during summer and winter holiday breaks and teacher professional development days.  Contact PNA for more details.


Contract options include the Extended Day Program, which is available from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm.  Book a tour for more info


Early Kindergarten

PNA's Early Kindergarten is open to students who turn four by September 1 of the year of enrollment. 


Pacific Northern Academy's Early Kindergarten program is a unique opportunity for Anchorage families. The full-day program provides a nurturing and child-centered environment that provides a solid foundation for future academic success. 


Early Kindergarten students have the opportunity to stretch their minds and pursue academic learning through large and small group lessons and hands-on activities. Lessons are developed through "center" and "choice" approaches, allowing for students to work at individual learning levels. Engaging themes and hands-on instruction provide a developmentally appropriate path to learning for reading readiness, math, science, and social studies. The days are full but always include recess and a quiet time. 


Two teachers work with a maximum of fourteen students in the Early Kindergarten classroom, providing the flexibility to respond to individual needs. Social learning is a centerpiece of the program. Through the social curriculum - following the principles of the Responsive Classroom - children learn to express feelings, build friendships, and resolve conflicts. Independence is nurtured in the Early Kindergarten classroom as students are encouraged to take care of their personal possessions and participate in classroom jobs.


Students meet twice each week with PNA's Specialist teachers for instruction in Spanish, Studio Art, Music, and Physical Education. They also have the opportunity to engage in a variety of rich experiences such as service learning, scientific experiments, and field trips big and small into the Anchorage community. 

Full Day
5 Days Per Week - Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to 3:15 pm.

The Early Kindergarten Program follows the school year calendar and closures. A year-round option is available during summer and winter holiday breaks and teacher professional development days.  Contact PNA for more details.


Contract options include the Extended Day Program, which is available from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm.  Book a tour for more info




Upon enrollment in the Beginners Program or Early Kindergarten, Pacific Northern Academy requires documentation including a physical exam and current vaccination records. Parents whose children are exempt from receiving current vaccinations for medical or religious reasons must file a physician-approved exemption form. This information must be on file before a child can begin in August.

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